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Privacy Policy

Warranty Policy

The aosu products are manufactured with high-quality industrial parts designed to last. We provide a 12-month warranty for all the aosu products, starting from the date of purchase. If any defects are found in material or workmanship, we will replace the product or any necessary components, free of charge.

Warranty Terms and Conditions

The buyer must provide the order number or sufficient proof of purchase.

Visible evidence of the defective items is requiredto depict the defect.

It may be necessary to return the itemsfor quality inspection, determined by If a return is a need, the items will be returned with a prepaid return label.

In no event will this warranty require more than the repair or replacement of defective partsunder the warranty time. No refunds will be given.

Ifreplacements for defective parts are unavailable, we reserve the right to make substitutions with identical types of products.

What Does The Warranty Not Cover?

Does not apply to issues caused by people or accidents. We will have no liability for any incidental, consequential, or special damages. All guarantees will terminate as to any products or parts thereof which are repaired, replaced, or modified without the consent of us. Below are the details in this case:

Improper use or installation

Misuse(including, but not limited to: falls, extreme temperatures, loss of power, water or lotions, the attachment of any unauthorized accessories)

Repairs made or attempted by third parties

Damage from outside sources

lost or stolen products

Items that have expired their warranty period

Any other conditions that are beyond the control of aosu.

Does not apply to items provided by non-official websites or activities, including any authorized or unauthorized retailers. The warranty policies of authorized retailers differ from and are not affected by this policy. Please consult retailers for their warranty policy if necessary.

Contact Us

If you are still confused about any part of this warranty policy, reach out to us at The aosu support team is always there to help.